Intuition Support Connection Transformation

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Come home to your body.

In a world that expects you to live primarily in your head, birth is one event that does not ask - but demands you return to your body.

Birth happens in the in-between. The liminal space. At the edge of reality, straddling the line between worlds. Time both slows and speeds, feels both endless and gone in an instant. Our great work is to surrender to its unknown, relinquish the control of our minds and sink in to the wisdom of our bodies, who have navigated this space once before in our own lifetimes, when we too, entered the world.

As a keeper of birth knowledge, I’ve both been gifted and worked for the tools and wisdom that allow me to support, witness, and hold space for all those entering this revered place. The homeland of birth is our body. Lets travel it together.

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Holistic Doula Care

Care for the Mind, Body, and Spirit.

It is evidenced based information to support you making informed choices. It is a balanced approach between the medical and intuitive models of care. It is connection to the body. It is support for the spirit. It is a guiding force that allows you to explore what your heart and gut tells you. It is providing as much or as little information as you need to make your decisions without becoming overwhelmed. 

A holistic doula understands the most important aspect of your pregnancy is ~trusting your body~ and attuning to it in order to make fully informed and sovereign decisions. Know that while you can hire a doula at anytime, choosing to work with one from early on in your pregnancy will offer you the most benefits, by supporting you with evidence based information to inform your choices, along with offering energetic based support for the mind and spirit through affirmations, meditation, attuned listening, and fully witnessing you exactly as you are. With a fierce belief in you as the expert in your experience, and your ability and capacity to navigate this incredible transformation.

“Carissa provided us with what we needed the most during our most challenging moments. She was truly meant for birth work and would be an amazing asset to anyone’s birth.”

—Maria L

Learn more about birth and postpartum packages.

Serving families in Metro Vancouver, Coquitlam, Burnaby, New Westminister